W, Kopsen and Co . Pty., 380 Kent St. MA8336. " VOUTH desired for modem furniture 14 x 2.125 inch replacement tubes for caroma electric scooter foctoiy, about l8 years. Flist ra'e earnings and conditions ond bonus. FARES AND TAKING A TRIP EX- PENSES' A relund of first-rate traveling- ling expenses for appointee and partner will certainly be mode after 3 months' adequate solution.
Ring Handling Director,. Haywln Vacuum Cleaner Cleansers Pty . Lid., for appointment. On conjunction jobs, contemporary all eleclric rottoges are offered tor wedded personnel at roughly ₤ 1 weekly rental.
Corner Harbour and Liverpool Streets. Ants and Branch Managers are re- quired for our city branch stores Superb chances, charitable rewards and free superannuation. Entirely below- scribed by the company. 23 and three decades, with soltgoods warehouse experience. Salaries ₤ 8 weekly, plus bonus offers. Quired for Light Equipment Abscmbly.
Previous experience desirable yet not necessary. Irreversible position. No Saturday, Working natural light. Moran and Cato (N.S.W.) Pty. Ltd., 122 Cleveland St, Chippendale, 5 mins Poise Bro"., or Redfern Terminal.
Vacanov rnr Experienced Machinist i tor CLOSING Sao Coats or Sports Coatn. [High Wage used to appropriate candidate. Apply Factotv Supervisor.
Iii Applications are Welcomed for the nhovementioned setting with a Arm ni Html electrical energy line" Controcloi" today vvoiklng neal' lyndhurst. Ond Service Boord Cable to home illumination plants. Perm, setting. Wonted lor Wholesale Grocery store Residence. Apply, with referrals, to JOHN BARDSLEY and CO . Kent and Bathurst Sts, Sydney.
Grands by such makers air Bechstein. Collard and Howard. Up- rights fiom ₤ 115.
We can run brand-new water and gas lines to your brand-new home place. Need a backflow avoidance gadget checked, yes we can do that too.No task is too tiny. We are happy to give no commitment quotes. We called a more experienced plumber who recognized exactly what the issue was and repaired it that day.
Male wanted for Factory. Ex- cellent salaries and conditions. Reply by letter or In person, with referrals, to CLINTONS MOTORS. Experienced Male to secure Perma- nent Position and Leam an Interesting Market. Light interior manufacturing facility shirt work.
Ring Handling Director,. Haywln Vacuum Cleaner Cleansers Pty . Lid., for appointment. On conjunction jobs, contemporary all eleclric rottoges are offered tor wedded personnel at roughly ₤ 1 weekly rental.
Corner Harbour and Liverpool Streets. Ants and Branch Managers are re- quired for our city branch stores Superb chances, charitable rewards and free superannuation. Entirely below- scribed by the company. 23 and three decades, with soltgoods warehouse experience. Salaries ₤ 8 weekly, plus bonus offers. Quired for Light Equipment Abscmbly.
Previous experience desirable yet not necessary. Irreversible position. No Saturday, Working natural light. Moran and Cato (N.S.W.) Pty. Ltd., 122 Cleveland St, Chippendale, 5 mins Poise Bro"., or Redfern Terminal.
Vacanov rnr Experienced Machinist i tor CLOSING Sao Coats or Sports Coatn. [High Wage used to appropriate candidate. Apply Factotv Supervisor.
Iii Applications are Welcomed for the nhovementioned setting with a Arm ni Html electrical energy line" Controcloi" today vvoiklng neal' lyndhurst. Ond Service Boord Cable to home illumination plants. Perm, setting. Wonted lor Wholesale Grocery store Residence. Apply, with referrals, to JOHN BARDSLEY and CO . Kent and Bathurst Sts, Sydney.
Grands by such makers air Bechstein. Collard and Howard. Up- rights fiom ₤ 115.
We can run brand-new water and gas lines to your brand-new home place. Need a backflow avoidance gadget checked, yes we can do that too.No task is too tiny. We are happy to give no commitment quotes. We called a more experienced plumber who recognized exactly what the issue was and repaired it that day.
Male wanted for Factory. Ex- cellent salaries and conditions. Reply by letter or In person, with referrals, to CLINTONS MOTORS. Experienced Male to secure Perma- nent Position and Leam an Interesting Market. Light interior manufacturing facility shirt work.