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uh hello everyone

thank you for joining our webinar with


nice partners from several logic i'm

nick penny

the partnership manager hello toxin we

decided to call this series

halo tax and partners because obviously

we cannot do everything ourselves so we

need all these great partners to help us

out and

they're experts and things that each of

you if you're an e-commerce service or a

service provider

they need because we know that the


django is very hard to go through so

these companies are like machetes which

which are using to actually

make your road around the amazon jungle

so today

uh the webinar that we're having we have

several logic

is a partner of ours we have ludwig who

is the

client success manager with sarah

project actually

let us know how you can actually win the

buy box because the buy box from what

they want because i'm always warning in

these events

is the probably the most important

actually metric

on amazon so thank you everybody for

joining the event

uh right now i'll pass it to ludwig to

tell us more about that and after i will

tell you about the unpleasant but

necessary vt compliance but of course

you first need them otherwise you won't

need that so

if you have any questions feel free to

type them in the chat or in the q

a section and we'll answer them at the

end of the event so

thank you again everybody and over to

you thank you very much

nick well first of all um

a couple of words about me so my name is


i am customer success manager at seller


which is a company that develops dynamic

tools for amazon sellers

before that i worked for 15 years for an

amazon subsidiary where

i could get familiar with all the amazon

processes and gain

a lot of experience that is very useful

for my job today

so let me share

my screen with you

there you go

do you see everything all good

so today i want to tell you all about

the buy box

why it is considered to be the holy

grail for every amazon marketplace


how to win it how to keep it and

all that while ideally increasing your


so we will

then focus on repricing which is one of

the key

factors to winning the buy box

what is the buy box at all i guess most

of you are familiar with the

with the id uh for every product

amazon decides which seller has the best


and that offer is featured at the top

right of the page

with a direct link to the basket the

shopping cart

and why is that important because ninety

percent of all the sales of amazon

actually take place in the buy box and

10 are left for all the remaining


but who wins the buy box well according

to amazon

the person who wins the buy box is the

seller who offers

the best customer experience as a whole

of course the algorithm hiding behind


just like for facebook and google is

extremely well kept

as a secret for amazon but if we look

deep into the help pages and thanks to

or insider knowledge we are able to


some key criteria to reach that goal and

win the buy box

first of all as a seller you have to

reach a whole set

of minimum metrics and rates and ranges

to be eligible to win the bibles at all

we identified kind of three groups you

have all what has to do with

the order itself and if it's fulfilled

or cancelled you have all the metrics

that are bound to

shipping so the shipping method you use

the time it takes

if you use tracking the proportion of

orders that are late

and then you have all the metrics bound

to customer service

for example if you reply within 24 hours

well the documentation on amazon help

pages is

really dry and quite technical but our

marketing team actually

did dive deep and compiled extremely

good summary of all those criteria

in a workbook called 13 steps to winning

the buy box

and we'll be happy to share that link

after the webinar

you can review then at your convenience

every of those criteria

and go into detail into that

of those 13 criteria to win the buy box

here are the three

most important price and the final price

is the main criteria the final price we

understand the item plus shipping as a


price actually a criteria which is good

because it's something that is

relatively easy to monitor

with the right tools it's easier for

example than

customer satisfaction the goal will be

to be competitive but without

compromising your margins

next to the price you have the shipping


and some of those shipping methods give

you better cards to win the buy box than

others for example a prime

by merchant meaning that you send your

goods by yourself but

with some high standards

enough to win that prime label that

gives you good cost to win the buy box

but it requires from you as a seller

excellent logistic skills to meet those

amazon standards

in the eyes of amazon fba is the best

fba it means fulfilled by amazon

some of you might use that service

already it means that you ship

a part of all your stocks directly to

amazon and amazon takes

over the logistics for you the three

essential steps of the process so

storage shipping and

customer service including all the

returns and refunds

so that allows you to have the best


and be at the same level as amazon with

the prime label

with the ship by amazon tag

on the website and that gives you

excellent cards

to win the buy box as well and the third

main criteria to win the buy box is

shipping time

next to those criteria which are seller


amazon defines a buy box eligibility

price range for each

product it means that it's a price range

below and above which

you will be technically kicked out of

the buy box or

in the worst case the buy box will be

removed from the

product landing page if you are

too cheap you consider that suspicious

which is not a bad thing because it

protects all the sellers

a bit of from errors or

scams short-lived sellers newcomers and

price dumping in general

but on the other hand if you're too

expensive you're considered

not competitive that price range

that eligibility price range is an

information that we have access to

and a good repricer like seller logic


systematically integrate that

information into the logic of the

repricer to make sure that you

stay within that range

so why is repricing important we've seen

it's a key criteria

to win the buy box and how does

repricing work

well it monitors the prices compares all

your direct competitors

and reacts and adjusts the prices


on your behalf what do you gain from it

well because it automates all that

manual process

a repricer should save you a lot of time

which you can then invest in some other

part of your business

and it should increase your sales

because winning the buy box will mean

that you

have access to that 90 percent of the


those two things is what any repricer

should do for you so

win time and increase your sales now a


repricer should have more than that

it should help you achieve uh some

extra things like increase your margins

because the goal of a repricer like

seller logic is not

to be the cheapest but is to win the buy

box with

the best price it should also

help you calculate all your costs and


minimum and maximum prices your own


for each product to ensure that you

always gain money

so the repricer will then move within

that range

and a good repricer should also offer

you a whole range of different


to adjust to the type of market and

products that you offer

the buy box strategy is all key strategy

and the most used and probably the most

important but next to that

if you are a private label and you have

no competition you're alone on the

product landing page

then you should have strategies that

help you increase your sales as well

it will then be bound to your sales

a product which doesn't sell well will

have a price decrease and a product

which sells um sorry a product which

sells well

kind of afford to be a bit more

expensive and a product which doesn't

sell then will

decrease its price to be more dynamic

other strategies we allow you to align

to a specific competitor

or to blacklist some other competitors

or amazon

or some other people you don't want to

mess with so you should be very flexible

to adjust to your needs

so what is dynamic repricing and how is


different from static repricing or


repricing well dynamic repricing

achieves the classic function of a

repricer which we mentioned

it monitors the prices it compares the


it reacts adjusts the prices but

it has a trick that tops all that and


the rule-based replaces as we said it

does not aim for the lowest price but

for the buy box

and as soon as it wins the buy box the

price will

increase to optimize the margin

and it keeps a whole history of all

these adjustments

to win back the buyback faster in case

of it loses it

let's have a look at the concrete


here we have the case of a rule-based

repricer so

it's a simple rule for example always be

10 cheaper than the cheapest price

in this case seller one is one of a

competitor he's currently

cheaper and he wins the buy box we are

selling number two

with our static repricer

and we decrease our price

with that rule to be slightly below

if seller number one has the same type

of rule it will do the same

and be a little bit cheaper as a result

we'll have some price dumping mechanism


it does not give me any guarantee that i

win the buy box

now let's have the same situation with a


repricer seller number one

is wins the buy box currently our

dynamic repricer will start decreasing

the price not

to be five cent cheaper systematically


little by little until we reach the buy


and as soon as we're in it stops

decreasing the price

and actually it will try to increase the

price little by little

because our repricer knows that the buy

box is not only based on the price but

all those criteria that we saw earlier

so if you have another competitive

advantage like you have more stock

or you have better shipping times or you

have a better rating

you can actually afford to sell at a

higher price

because you offer a best overall service

at the best possible price and this is

seen as such by amazon

so the dynamic repricer will increase

the price little by little

to reach the best price in the buy box

as soon as it loses the buy box it will

immediately return to the exact price

to win it back because it knows when it

won when it lost a buyer box it keeps a


of all those changes and it learns and



so here is again a summary of all the


of repricer like cello logic

you have a dynamic algorithm that we

talked about

which helps you have the optimal selling


and higher margins it is available

internationally you can book individual


the way you want to for different amount

of times

really according to your needs and that

makes it

really well scalable

um on the right i shortly mentioned this

is the second tool

that seller logic offers it's called

lost and found

it is aimed at fba seller

it analyzes all the fba reports and

there are many

to identify the errors mistakes and lost

products and stock from amazon it helps

sellers to

claim reimbursements and assist them in

the communication

i won't go into the detail because we

are focusing on the reprisal today

but might be a topic for next session

if anybody is interested they can reach

out individually

now about the repricer as nick mentioned

there will be some time after the

webinar for some questions and answers

and then

i'll be happy to answer the questions

you may have

and now i guess nick will tell you a bit

more about hellotax than the joys

yes thank you we already have some

questions but

let's wait until then because so far

always good obviously they're

showing how to actually win the buy box


if you do that you know if you scale

your brands or if you have like a new

product or whatever

eventually no uh you would need to pay

taxes and

even right now after coffee to know the

market places

amazon in general because they're the

biggest one they're even more strict

in regards to the vt component so


you would need to do that or you can get

your account suspended or you might have

other penalties so this actually what we

do but of course

we do the events with partners because

there is a long journey that you need to

go through before actually reach reach

hello attack so

for some most of you probably know what

the vit compliance is and what in

general is vt but

let me give you some quick introduction

about hellotax the actual co-founders

used to be amazon sellers they had their

own agency so

they were looking for a vt compliance


for their brands and sellers they didn't

find the one which is they were three

command servers so they decided to build


that was five years ago so that's one of

the reasons why we're talking today and

me myself i used to be a client of hero

talks i had my own brand

which is sold last year so i can tell

you that they're a perfect solution

for multiple uh market

amazon sellers and this is the goal for

everybody to start from one for your

home country and expand to as many

markets as possible so

let me share my screen just to give you


very visual and simple presentation


what exactly vt means and

i mean what actually we're doing so

obviously now like i said we provide the

vt compliance

for online sales in europe this is what

the solution is steroids for

amazon sales in other marketplace

servers so let me just

start the presentation so what problem

we're solving

obviously no we don't do vt

registrations for sellers in their home

country so you only specialize

when you're actually expanding and

selling cross-border ex

across europe uh e-commerce businesses

into europe and european union what they

need to know they need to know their vty


from the past and the present meaning

that if you store good somewhere it you

don't know

this doesn't mean that you're not gonna

be penalized so obviously we educate

clients about that

you need to register for vt in different

countries and file the returns

according to the different regulations


we actually monitor the view of the


from different markets because that's

required in some

countries in europe and obviously we


we actually have a dashboard where you

can see all the

sales and all the revenue that you're

generating across different channels so

there is actually two reasons why you

need to register for vt right now

one of them is when you exceed the


and the second one is if you store good

in any market in europe so

right now in july some of them probably

know some not but there will be a major

change in the vt regime which is called

the one-stop shop

when the one-stop shop is effective

in july first the distance would not be

that important because you have

a 10 000 euro v80 threshold when you

reach that in your home country you can

deliver to the rest of europe with one

vit in your own

home country on the other side uh the

vita registration for storage this is

something that stays meaning that if you

store goods in any market in europe

you need to register for vat

obviously different countries in europe

have different variety rates so we all

have know that we have that in our

software so we'll calculate the proper

vt rate

in each market uh complexity of the

show registration uh

there is in on average you know the vita


in europe is probably takes from

probably the shortest it's like six


up to over three months in spain poland

is one of the easiest

to register and spain is one of the

hardest because they require original

documents notary

etc so always know what

is the solution that we're solving we


the digital online via registration and


we have the data and processes


by our tax agents in each market we have

account managers speaking multiple

languages and this is

on the back end but of course the

important thing

that actually we offer is our tool

because uh

obviously it doesn't matter what i'm

talking about right now it's important

to actually show you guys

what exactly we're offering on the front

end so

let's say you're an amazon seller you

know you have

done the vit registration you know we

are ready to go so this is the

thing that we do this is our this is our

dashboard you just log in like any other

um tool email password

then you go to the settings sections on

the settings sections

there is an integration if you're like

an amazon server

you open that you put your there ready

authorization token

save here can you please show us the

uh the software oh you don't you don't

you're talking guys let me

share it properly thank you

yeah it's good that you're telling me

that because sometimes

okay so do you guys see it do you see

the dream yeah the software okay

sorry about that it's just so much

pressure in this webinars now even


it's not my first one so anyway so let's

we'll just start over now this is our

two you

when you log in the first thing that

you're required to do

is you come here to the integration

section if you're an amazon server

you put your sale ready authorization


save and that's it uh if you have like a


like like a private label website

you come to the menu order poll to

download a sample file

you fill you export and import your data


upload it here right now we're actually


shopify big commercial discount easy

beyond that

if so they're in the test phase so soon

they'll be available as well so

after you do the integration part you


to the actual dashboard and you'll be

able to see

all the data that we get from the


amazon or your private label website or

whatever channel you're using so you are

able to see your gross turnover

you can see your net turnover you can

see your total vt

you can filter by channel amazon fba

own web shop you can filter by countries


here you know you can see the actual

orders and like

i explained earlier now what we actually

monitor sales expense refund given

refund received assets movement you can

filter again by channel

by v80 country movements of goods from

one to another country of course you

don't need to that you can have your

accountant to do it but the thing is

it's very visual it's easy to

see exactly what's your reliability and

what you're doing here

and after the integration the next thing

that you're required to do is here

after we file the report in whatever in

one or multiple markers that you're


we actually publish the actual vita

return here

so you can if you say when pond is in

the sample in the demo here you can just

open that and rate downvote

and paid that to the tax authority we're

not allowed to do the payment on the

client's behalf we're actually

we're only required to that in france

for non-eu sellers

so this is know what to do the other

thing which is important for you

and for your accountant if he's managing

that risk

the tax letter in box you know obviously

tax authorities in europe they

communicate in different languages

so they send communication to us since

you're representing you

either by email or like a regular letter

so what we have we have the software who

actually gets the

communication and have a translation

template which actually translate

it in english or german so you will know

exactly what is required

from you uh by the tax authority of

course the account manager will help you

about that but you have all the

information here

eventually now we're finishing our two

here and you'll be able to add multiple

markets so whenever you decide to

hold stock in a certain market you can

simply do it for the dashboard

so that's how it looks it's easy on the

front end so we can just connect

sell and we just take care of the vt

components and obviously because

tax compliance is not fully automated we

have account managers in 紫鸟浏览器 multiple seller accounts

>uh languages in the tax agents who ca

>do the manag

>part on the back end then so you guy

>don't worry about tha

>so this is what we d

>i'll stop sharing right now and i gues

>we can start with th

>with the questions because i mean that'

>the most important of the webinars no

>the presentation is one thing w

>would like to answer as many question

>as possible and we have planned thi

>offer s

>let me start with the first one u

>that's fro

>edmond this is actually for you ludwi

>how to avoid messing a product wit

>price battl

>if a bot is managing wouldn't there be


>wouldn't there be a point where margi

>is no longer availabl

>um well it's a good question and it'

>uh that's the basis of wha

>the repricer brings at the top of

>rule-based reprisal as we explai

>our goal is not to be the cheapest an

>we go beyond tha

>simple rule that says be cheaper tha

>the cheapes

>which leads to price dumpin

>we aim for the best price s

>we aim for the buy box itself and we se

>that there are other criteri

>that play in a role into defining wh

>wins the bu

>box and this is what we will aim to s

>as soon as we reach that we sto

>decreasing the prices and we actually g


>it is great in the sense that tha

>price range eligibility that amazon set

>is quite rigid but with three price

>like u

>that tends to push the price highe

>it extends that range a little bi

>to the top and that helps every selle

>to sell with higher margins actually an

>to keep the buy bo

>longer even at higher prices s

>hopefully we that's what we bring


>have another question actually for a ne

>vids from ani

>he's asking uh do i need to be like

>new save

>or like do i need to have like a lot o


>so i can use the repricer how does i

>work if i'm a new selle

>um if you're a new seller you jus

>register with u

>you um you connec

>your seller central account t

>the repricer and wil

>import all the data that you ar

>available we'll import all your product

>we will help you set the minimum an

>maximum price for each product which i

>the minimum things that you have to d

>to define a range we import all what yo

>have alread

>we helped you to find that range an



>our customer success managers will hel

>you define the right strategie

>for for your products and as soon as yo

>have that rang

>and a strategy you're good to go t

>optimize your price

>okay thank you vince i have one questio

>from actually it's fro

>stephanie uh hello ni

>i'm stephanie actually watch one of you

>webinars and you guys were talking abou


>one-stop shop uh in regards to th

>one-stop shop do i nee

>more than one registration after the os


>this is know how how it works when th

>one-stop sho

>you would need to apply for vt number

>in your home countr

>in the eu or for example if you're


>company you would need to nominate a

>least one country in europe where yo

>register for th

>one-stop shop then you would need t

>apply the vt number in all the e

>countries where you're storing good

>so obviously just if your eu company yo


>it's usually your home country if you'r

>non-eu you simply nominate the countr

>to actually do that yeah actually ther

>is one question fro

>robin uh is winning the buy bo

>all i can do with the repressor what i

>i sell private label and have the bu

>box anywa

>why would they need repricer the

>um we shortly mentioned that then i

>you are alone on the seller on th


>product page on amazon and you have n


>it's you can still have dynamic pricin

>meaning that you can decide to set you


>to a minimum price at midnight every da

>and the

>increase during the day depending on th

>amount of sale

>that you want to have so if you want t

>reach 10 sales at a minimum price yo


>program that and and slowly increas

>your price after that and set it back a

>midnight every da

>or as we said a product that doesn'

>sell well decrease the price of product

>that sells well increase the pric

>slowly so you can hav

>logics for private labels as wel

>yeah so like demand is a point i gues

>if there is more demand you kno

>your solution just increases the pric

>so they can find optimum why ca


>if it's low demand obviously no increas

>so it sounds very wel

>i actually have another question fro

>emma do you this actually for us do yo

>help us to obtain a

>ire number or do we need to do i


>yes so we do that you know we can obtai

>that with u

>in germany for example if you're


>entity in germany would need to hir


>agents been all obviously we have

>partner who is doing tha

>another question for us from mama do yo

>also help with the vita registration i

>foreign countrie

>is this done for you or again prior t

>using the softwar

>i'm not sure what to mean by foreig

>countries if i assume you mea

>countries which are outside of your hom

>country if that's your questio

>yes this is actually what we specializ

>in so if you're based in german

>we don't do vita okay yes in the eu s

>yes we cover europe we cover u

>germany spain italy france swede

>uh czech republic poland franc

>netherlands and so we'll be coverin

>cairo so if you're based i

>let's oh actually yes in the eu actuall

>emma can you confirm if you're if you'r

>talking abou

>outside of europe or or within europ

>okay do we need to register for thi

>priority using your software fo


>okay so i actually just summarize if th

>companies are outside th

>eu yes we do that there is the on

>difference is for non-new companies tha


>in some markets in europe they requir

>fiscal representatio

>which is like an insurance don't deny n

>new entity we actually paid their vt


>actually we have that it's wh

>conditional pricing an

>it's good that you actually mentione

>that because after the one-stop sho

>if your clients are non-eu base

>amazon is actually going to collect th

>vat on their behalf and pay that to th

>tax authorit

>for sales under 150 euro s

>the fiscal representation would not b

>important anymor

>okay i think we have another questio

>uh okay actually a question for it's a

>anonymous attendee that's for yo

>ludwig to download the 13th step to wi

>the buy box you're asking for amazo

>store urie

>what do you mean by that the storefron

>link i assume righ

>um yeah the link of your of your amazo


>okay we hav

>we have few here let me just answe

>actually there is one for yo

>uh from stefan why use the repressor an

>not the repressing tool provided b

>amazon that's a nice questio

>okay uh well the repricing too

>from amazon is not a repriser basicall

>it's u

>it's a one rule uh tool that say

>uh am i in the buy box ye

>no no decreased price and that's i

>so it u

>it never goes up basically so whic

>which kills the margi

>as we say it's not in the interest o

>amazon t

>have higher prices so um a good reprice


>at some point raise back the price

>as soon as you are in the buy box whic


>that amazon repricing tool does not u

>does not allow oka

>thank you ludwig let me see a few mor


>here and that's actually u

>for me it's again the one stop shop

>guess i mean that's important topi

>that's fro

>uh maria we only need to report all m


>to the oss not actually the voice it'

>only for b2c sale

>so not so only for b2 sale

>and we have another one that's agai


>from stefan is it possible to use th

>repressor only for a section of th


>yes first of all you can select th


>of your choice you don't have t

>activate everything but during the tes

>period of 14 days all marketplaces ar

>open so that to allow you to tes

>everything it's for free anywa

>but after that you can book

>suscripttion for a specific marketplac

>and within that marketplace you ca

>create group

>and and apply a specific strategy onl

>for a sectio

>of your inventory or optimize the pric

>of on

>product if you want to so that's reall

>easy to to scale tha

>by grouping and doing uh grou


>okay thank you but actually one othe

>question from stephe

>uh is the repricer only for amazon ar

>you planning t

>offer the tool for other marketplace

>that's a question from hi

>currently it is only available fo


>but we plan and we hope to develop tha

>for othe

>marketplaces in the future at the momen

>it's uh it's specialize

>and for amazon sellers indee

>okay thank you again so actually thi

>one question fro

>uh fro

>when uh i'm currentl

>registered for v18 few countries becaus

>they hi

>the threshold can i read they registe


>v80 in these countries where i do no


>so yes i'm the that's actually good new

>for you i mea

>after the first of july 202

>obviously all the sales to thes

>countries can be reported i

>one single one-stop shop report s

>there is no need to keep the vit

>registrations in all these market

>so that's good news guys i mean it'

>much much easier right now i don'

>especially for a new brand owner yo

>know use obviously everybody starts fro

>their homecoming this is how i did i


>i start from my home country so and

>start to the neighboring markets an

>once they scale eventually no before yo

>need to do th

>v3 registration in each one when you hi

>the threshold right now you just us

>your home as base and eventually onc

>you have like good revenues of cours

>it's advised t

>use the storage in amazon afb or othe

>marketplace because obviousl

>there is a big competition so you nee

>to make the quickest deliverie

>customers needs to be happy an

>obviously you cut you

>logistic costs like that let me see


>we have uh one last questio

>and i think we'll be done so regardin

>the oss report agai

>from and when uh the voices repor

>uh who is actually doing that is it m

>my accountan

>or you so yes i mean this actually wha

>we do i mean we do the voices report

>uh for you in the markets that we offe

>and like i said no we offe

>italy france poland czech republi

>germany spai

>austria netherlands sweden and irelan

>so it's getting easier for eu base hour

>it's a little more complicated fo

>non-use bu

>i guess i mean uh that's that's now ho

>the eu acted so another question fro

>maria for the sellers who would like t

>continue usin

>amazon 2 and start using repressor wh

>will be there any collision conflic

>between amazon t

>repressor thank yo


>i assume that they want to know if the


>against amazon exactly if that's

>problem yes exactl

>well um amazon is a seller like an

>other on

>so and it doesn't have any problem t

>compete against marketplace sellers s

>by default amazon is a normal standar

>seller and you compete against them an

>sometimes you have actuall

>better competitive advantages agains


>if they only have some products in th

>uk for exampl

>but you have stock in germany then yo

>have better cards and you actually wi

>the buy box and amazon is fair game i

>that case an

>lets you win the buy box if you have

>better offer becaus

>uh they want to give they want t

>provide a good service to their clien

>and yeah they're fair game for that no

>if you don't want to have any troubl

>with amazo

>or if you want to be careful you ca

>take a strategy that blacklist

>amazon basically so you just ignor

>amazon as a seller you ca

>blacklist them and you only compete wit

>all the othe

>marketplace sellers this is an optio

>for you as well so both bot

>are fine oka

>let me see come on guys one las

>question so an

>i'll let you go actually outside t

>enjoy the nice weather s

>actually one one from from edmond if yo

>put the same price that's for yo

>between if you put the same price as th

>one with the buy box can you still wi

>the buy box or stil

>make sales sur

>because the person who is in the buy bo

>has different um rating than yo

>for all the other criterias that we hav

>seen so they have a differen

>stock they are located at a differen

>place u

>they have different ratings so if yo

>have the same price than the buy box gu

>depending on your criteria maybe you'r

>better so maybe you can afford to sel

>at th

>better price or you don't need to b

>much cheape

>than the buy box person to win the bu

>box as well and if they reach thei

>minimum price then you're good to g

>so yeah there's always a chanc

>okay so i think i mean we don't have an

>more questions but of course that's no


>end of the world or the day we're gonn

>send you u

>email after the event you have th

>recording you have all the questions s

>if you guys think of any other question

>or you need t

>you would like to get in get in touc

>with ludovin or hello ta

>just get get back to us when we send yo

>the email an

>we can either book a call with them o

>else becaus

>the idea is to help you out if we don'


>we don't succeed this week becaus

>that's how amazon works we help eac

>other becaus

>it's like a jungle s

>you need your friend there so anyway

>thank you guys for joining the event i

>the sunny day i'm hoping it's sunn

>across europe it's very sunny her

>so uh let me just send you sen

>their email but likes it will send yo

>the email with the recordin

>and you guys can get in touch with us s

>enjoy the rest of the day in the weeken

>and thank you again for joining than

>you for speaking a little bi

>and thank you very much thank you by


>have a nice day you too bye bye

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