A few days ago, precisely on March 14, he was still talking about the progressive jackpot Mega Moolah. The one who already has the world record winning with £ 13.2 million allowed a player of Zodiac Online Casino to pocket 6,681,487 € in a single spin. We call it a dream session. Jackpot mobile, still on Zodiac A few years ago, Mega Moolah was almost struggling to keep up the incredible pace of the Netent - Mega Fortune and Hall of Gods jackpots especially.
Netent even occupied the world record after the € 17.8 million gain fell on Paf in January 2013. For a while. But since Mega Moolah won the record in October 2015 (which is worth 17.9 million euros, Online Casino a few thousand more than the previous one), he seems to lead the race with no difficulty.
Netent even occupied the world record after the € 17.8 million gain fell on Paf in January 2013. For a while. But since Mega Moolah won the record in October 2015 (which is worth 17.9 million euros, Online Casino a few thousand more than the previous one), he seems to lead the race with no difficulty.